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April 2024

Improving Access to Healthcare



Be Tick Safe While Enjoying Nature


Tick populations across Nova Scotia are growing and as the weather gets warmer, it is important for people to take the necessary steps to protect themselves, their family and their pets.


People can reduce their risk by:

  • wearing long pants and long sleeves in areas likely to have ticks

  • wearing light-coloured clothing (light colours make it easier to see ticks)

  • wearing enclosed shoes and tucking their pants into their socks

  • walking on well-travelled paths, avoiding long grass and vegetation

  • applying insect repellents approved by Health Canada to exposed skin and clothes (following directions carefully).

A tick identification service called eTick is available to Nova Scotians, who can send photos of ticks to be identified through the app. More information is available at: 


More Mental Health Supports for Marginalized, Underserved Nova Scotians


A Halifax clinic is expanding to meet the growing demand for mental health and addictions services. The Peoples’ Counselling Clinic offers marginalized and underserved communities free mental health counselling, as well as individual and group therapy and assessments.


A one-time grant of $425,000 from the Office of Addictions and Mental Health (OAMH) will be used to add two new full-time staff to the team and offer more services to more people.

As part of the funding agreement, the clinic will pilot the use of service codes by a community-based organization as part of an insured service program.


The low-barrier, culturally competent and 2SLGBTQIA+ friendly clinic provides services to people with multiple challenges whose needs are currently underserved by other systems and programs. No appointment or referral is necessary.


The clinic offers counselling in areas including:

  • complex trauma stemming from severe abuse, neglect, racial violence and other adverse childhood experiences

  • patterns of abuse in relationships, including counselling for people involved in criminal justice proceedings

  • attachment and development

  • sexual behaviour problems

  • the use of violence in relationships

  • sexual and intimate partner victimization

  • complex and intersecting mental health, substance use, addiction and social challenges.

OAMH provides one-time and multi-year grants to community-based organizations to support mental health and wellness across Nova Scotia, including services, supports and initiatives to prevent and reduce the risk of suicide.



Your Records in Your Hands


Recent changes to the Personal Health Information Act will do two things: give Nova Scotians access to their own personal health records and give the government high level data on the healthcare system overall.


Through YourHealthNS, Nova Scotians will soon be able to access their own electronic health records, in their control, right in the palm of their hands. This will help people make informed decisions about their own health and navigate the healthcare system faster and more conveniently. Nova Scotians can opt-out if they choose, but a recent pilot shows that 98 per cent of those who currently have access to the service said they would continue to use it.


The changes will also give government more access to system data. This is not personal health information. These are global numbers about our system.


The protection of Nova Scotians’ personal and private health information is the top priority in any circumstance. There are already laws that exist to protect patient data and ensure it is not misused by government or anyone else. And our government will enforce stronger penalties for anyone who misuses personal health information.


This amendment is a necessary step toward building the modern healthcare system Nova Scotians deserve. One that empowers Nova Scotians and puts your health information in your hands.



New Paramedics Coming to Nova Scotia from Australia


Nova Scotia will welcome 30 new paramedics in 2024-25 following the Province’s first in-person healthcare recruitment effort in Australia earlier this year.


The new hires are accredited and experienced advanced care paramedics. Nova Scotia is recognized globally as a leader in the field, and a paramedic’s scope of practice in the province is similar to that in Australia.


The first 13 paramedics from Australia will start work in July; others will start in early 2025. They will work for Emergency Medical Care Inc. in communities throughout Nova Scotia.

Partner organizations are also working to match continuing care assistants and pharmacists from Australia with Nova Scotia employers, and Nova Scotia Health is working with several physician candidates.


The Province has identified Australia as a key recruitment market for critical roles in its health system, including physicians, paramedics, pharmacists, medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals, nurses and continuing care assistants. Several of these professions have expedited licensing options for Australian healthcare workers.


Australian recruitment mission partners held one-on-one meetings with pre-screened candidates and spoke to students, medical residents and physicians at a series of information sessions.



Local Healthcare Access Points


Pharmacist-led clinics provides an extended suite of pharmacy primary care services at no charge to people with a valid Nova Scotia Health Card.


These services include assessment and prescribing for:

  • Strep Throat

  • Pink Eye

  • UTIs

  • Chronic Disease Management (Diabetes, Asthma, COPD)

  • Prescription renewals for all medications and more

Publicly funded vaccines for adults and children are also available at these clinics as well as medical injections (fee may apply).



Pharmacist Walk-In Clinic +

316 Willow Street, Suite 20




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The Medicine Shoppe

Community Pharmacy Primary Care Clinic

1B-664 Prince Street




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Throughout Nova Scotia



Pictou West By-Election


Congratulations to small business owner Marco MacLeod, who will carry the PC banner in the Pictou West by-election.

MacLeod lives in Scotsburn on a seventh-generation family farm where he runs his own sawmill and helps manage the farm. Prior to owning his small business, Marco worked as a flight instructor. He then returned to his education and went on to become a process engineer and manager for Michelin. 

Congratulations, Marco. I look forward to knocking on doors in Pictou West with you.


Grant Finder Tool


A new online tool makes it easier for Nova Scotians to apply for provincial grants supporting arts, culture, tourism, sport, recreation, cultural identity and languages.


The new Grant Finder helps individuals, non-profits and businesses find funding programs offered by the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.


Applicants can quickly find a list of funding programs they may be eligible for by answering a few short questions at:



Nova Scotia ABCs


Serving on one of Nova Scotia's many agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs) can help you grow personally and professionally while making a real impact on your community.


ABCs are created by government to provide advice and services in different areas, including health, policing, agriculture, education, culture, environment, transportation, professional regulation and more. ABCs include advisory committees and councils, corporate boards and adjudicative (quasi-judicial) bodies.


More information can be found here


Apply through the online applications system here





April in Truro-Bible Hill-Millbrook-Salmon River



The Common by Burnside Grand Opening


There was a great turnout at the Grand Opening of the Burnside Brewing Company's "The Common by Burnside" in the food court at the Hub Shopping Centre in Truro. 


Cheers to all the great folks at Burnside Brewery and the Hub Shopping Centre on this new venture in our community.


50th Provincial Volunteer Awards


Today, I had the honour to announce that the 50th Provincial Volunteer Awards ceremony will be held in the Town of Truro at the Rath Eastlink Community Centre on September 18th. 2024.


 As an active volunteer, for over 30 years in our community- learning from my parents, I understand the importance and impact of giving back. People can now nominate outstanding Nova Scotians for the annual Provincial Volunteer Awards to recognize the contributions of volunteers to organizations and communities. 


More information, including nomination forms, can be found here.


Door Knocking


Going door to door to speak with residents directly is truly one of my favourite aspects of being an MLA. It is so important to continually engage with community members on the issues that matter most to them, and I sincerely value all feedback I receive. 


I appreciate everyone who took the time to chat with me in Truro's east-end. Thank you!


Convenience Industry Council of Canada Gala


It was great to attend the Convenience Industry Council of Canada Gala with Public Works Minister Kim Masland on April 23.


Thank you to CICC for welcoming us to recognize and celebrate this important industry.


Minister Adams Visits Truro


We were fortunate to have MLA Barb Adams, Minister of Seniors and Long-Term Care, stop into Truro for a few quick visits on her way through town.


A big thank you to Minister Adams for stopping by, to the staff of Townsview Estates for welcoming us into your facility, and to Lloyd Coady for your hospitality and entertainment!


Bible Hill Fire Brigade Annual Awards Banquet


It was an honour and privilege to attend the Bible Hill Fire and Emergency annual awards banquet on April 20. Being recognized for the 2023 year were: 

  • Avis McNutt, 25 years service

  • Jensen Caddell, Training Award

  • Scott Smith, Firefighter of the Year

  • Arnold Stewart, Officer of the Year

 Thank you to all members for their dedication and service to our community. 



MLA Website Launched  


I am excited to announce the launch of my new MLA website


This website will be a source of information for residents of Truro-Bible Hill- Millbrook-Salmon River.


Your feedback is important, so please take a look and let me know your thoughts by emailing



Colchester EDAs Fundraising Dinner with Premier Houston


Premier Tim Houston will be joining our local Colchester MLA’s for a delicious turkey dinner fundraiser on Monday, May 13, 2024 at the Royal Canadian Legion at 42 Brunswick Street in Truro.


This fundraising event will be hosted by the three local Nova Scotia PC Party MLA’s and their respective Associations: Truro-Bible Hill- Millbrook-Salmon River, Colchester North, and Colchester-Musquodobit Valley.


If you are interested in purchasing a ticket, please contact local association members Roseanne MacIsaac at 902-893-8646 or Andy Smith at 902-899-7960.



As always, I remain deeply appreciative of the opportunity to be your MLA. If you know of anyone who would be interested in receiving future editions of this monthly newsletter, please contact the constituency office at or 902-897-0884.






Dave Ritcey, MLA

Truro-Bible Hill-Millbrook-Salmon River

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